How To Operate a Law Firm to Increase Accountability

RJH Consulting
Accountability necessitates an even higher level of responsibility and readiness to accept responsibility for one's own conduct for legal practitioners. Accountability is established through culture, which is built through every member of the firm's strategic actions. If you want to influence change at your company, utilize the tactics below to alter your personal perspective toward accountability and urge others to do the same.

How to Set a More Accountable Tone 
The culture of a company will have a large impact on how accountability is defined and implemented. Some values are set by the firm's management, while others are set by the standards you set for yourself when you engage with others and complete your tasks. Whatever role you hold, here are some ideas for increasing accountability inside your company:

Define Your Objectives
Setting a baseline for properly communicating expectations on project deliverables can save your company time and increase the efficiency of everyone's work. Whether the project is large or little, the end goal should be communicated from the start.
If your company does not have a standard template for dealing with big projects, create one. Individuals cannot be held accountable if expectations are unclear, so set the tone and lead by example.

Increase Team Trust
Trust should become a component of corporate culture once you've established the tone for project expectations. For legal practitioners, being able to trust the team with which they work is crucial. Trust is founded on company culture, which requires strategic and intentional attention. Suggest team-building exercises and activities that develop trust, invite everyone to participate in team reading material, and foster a climate that accepts mistakes as a part of the job while concentrating on future improvements. 

Provide Constant and Unambiguous Comments and Encourage Input in Return
Implement an objective feedback approach to maintain high expectations and improve overall work quality. Feedback should be supplied regardless of whether the comment is positive or negative, and not only when there is an issue. Create a feedback channel to keep communication channels open for criticism, praise, and overall development. Employees may be less forthcoming if feedback is solely delivered in one direction. Make it apparent that you are also open to comments on yourself, and that you are open to both good and negative criticism. Create a system for tracking feedback and any goals you may set to ensure that you're taking advantage of this data.

Accountability Is the Key to Increased Output
Law firm can alter their operations, promote development, and achieve exceptional results by embracing responsibility. Setting clear billing targets, engaging in meaningful talks, and regularly applying discipline are all ways to accomplish this: 
  • To track progress, traditional billable hours as well as alternative metrics such as activities or points can be employed.
  • The weekly meeting serves as a forum for frank talks, the identification of barriers, and the celebration of triumphs.
  • Long-term transformation can be achieved with discipline as the driving factor, resulting in steady productivity.
  • Holding employees accountable, including enforcing consequences for missed targets, helps to keep the team engaged and motivated.

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